• Locations: Bournemouth, Poole, Dorset
  • Private Secretary: 01202 316 249

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01202 316 249

Private Secretary
Jennie Brophy

NHS Secretary Royal Bournemouth Hospital
0300 019 6227

NHS Secretary Poole Hospital
0300 019 2795

01202 316 249

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Nuffield Health Bournemouth Hospital 67 Lansdowne Road Bournemouth BH1 1RW

Harbour Hospital, St Mary's Road, Poole, Dorset. BH15 2BH

On the 11th December 2017 I had a unicompartmental knee left replacement. Prior to this I had been suffering pain and problems like knee giving way for a long period.

At first I had steroid injections and then a miniscule tear operation, but none of this helped to cure the problem, and so the decision was made between myself and Mr Harvey to have a replacement.

The operation was absolutely fine no problems at all. I was very numbed up so was unable to get out of bed until the third day. I was able to walk a bit and even try a few stairs with the help of the physio.

I went home on the 16th December. The first night at home I did not feel confident to go upstairs so slept downstairs, the next night I did go up and from then on.

The physio is hard work, worse than the operation, you must do it even though it can hurt at times, failure to do the physio will result in more limited movement of the knee in the future.

Once the staples come out my knee felt a lot freer. Physio was over a period of about four months. I was able to drive after six weeks, but I did not go back to work for twelve weeks as I have a physical job as a builder.

And yes a few times I thought to myself why did I have it done, but after the twelve weeks I was working, maybe not as hard as I should have been, your knee will tell you when its had enough, listen to it if you want to make a full recovery.

Nearly a year on now and an glad I had it done